Fuel your YouTube
success with


The premier communication network designed for mutual growth amongYouTubers!
sub 4 sub

Sub 4 Sub

Users voluntarily place themselves in a communication queue, and PactMonster establishes a communication link between User A and User B. Both users are accountable for mutually subscribing to each other's YouTube channels. PactMonster receives notifications from YouTube regarding the executed operations and notifies users of the approval or disapproval of the new subscription.

Promote a youtube channel

Promote a channel

PactMonster facilitates the promotion of users' channels to all members within its network. Users are incentivized for subscribing to each other's YouTube channels through a reward system. These rewards prove beneficial to other users, enabling them to garner more subscribers.

* Important NotesYou have the ability to engage with all your channels within the Pact Monster network.Please refer to the Privacy Policy page for information on how data is collected and stored.
User guide videos
How to install in google chromeHow to sign upHow to register a YouTube channelHow to get subscriber (sub-4-sub method)How to earn the pactHow to get subscribers (by start a campaign)
Unite for mutual support and shared success!

  • Getting

    YouTube subscribers

  • Getting

    YouTube comments

  • Getting

    YouTube likes

  • Getting

    YouTube watch time

  • Receiving 30,000 users on the PactMonster network


YouTube subscribers

Receiving 15,000 users on the PactMonster network

YouTube comments


YouTube watch time

Receiving 30,000 users on the PactMonster network
Conducting a survey among network users to ascertain preferences and prioritize the development of the forthcoming social network.socials media icons

The expense associated with acquiring each subscriber on the PactMonster network ranges from $0 to $0.70

What is Pact?

A Pact serves as a transactional unit within the PactMonster network. For every communication instance between users, PactMonster receives a corresponding pact. These pacts are procured in packets and debited from the pact wallet of each user.

Pact Packets:

Number of PactPriceThe number of subscribers that will be receivedPrice per subscriber
15 pact$1015 subscribers≈ $0.66
30 pact$1830 subscribers0.60$
60 pact$3360 subscribers$0.55
120 pact$54120 subscribers$0.45
240 pact$105240 subscribers≈ $0.43
510 pact$210510 subscribers≈ $0.41
payment methods

Acquiring Subscribers at No Cost :

Within the PactMonster network, certain users enlist their channels in the "Earn Pact" section. Complimentary Pacts can be obtained by subscribing to the channels featured in this section.

sub4sub application
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subscriber growth

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